How to join us

Research activities

This page describes opportunities for joining our research group. As our homepage already says, to achieve a fast and accurate solution we are willing to go all the way, innovating on the numerical methods, the algorithms, the programming and the hardware. Therefore, to join our group you must embrace this integrative approach of finding the best solution across all these disciplines. Members of the group have a particularly strong expertise in one of the areas: numerical mathematics, algorithms, programming or hardware, and are eager to learn more about the others, so that they can efficiently tackle problems across disciplines. This enables optimal solutions across the entire spectrum.


Bachelor student

If you study in Mannheim or Heidelberg and have acquired good system and programming skills, there are opportunities for student assistant jobs (HiWi) in our group. Contact us if you are interested.

For external Bachelor students we do not host internships in general. However, we would consider it in case of exceptional achievements and a personal referral by the supervisor.

If you are interested in a Bachelor in computer science from Heidelberg University, here is the program in German. This page lists stipends to support students during their studies or how to come to Heidelberg University with an exchange program.

Masters student

Heidelberg University has very good international computer science Masters programs with lectures and tutorials in English. Most related to the research in our group are the MSc Scientific Computing, MSc Data and Computer Science and primarily the MSc Computer Engineering with specialization Application Specific Computing to which most of our  lectures belong.

Different stipends for Masters students are listed on this page. Particularly good applicants to the MSc Computer Engineering can also receive a stipend directly from that program.

Doctoral candidate

Our research group is currently expanding. We are building a strong computing team with expertise ranging from numerical mathematics through algorithms to programming and hardware. The main topics of interest are listed on our homepage and the research pages and they offer exciting opportunities for doctoral studies at the forefront of research. New topics that fit the context of innovations in accelerated computing are welcome. To join the group you need a strong expertise in one of the areas: numerical mathematics, algorithms, programming or hardware, and be eager to learn more about the others.

Funding of doctoral candidates is provided through funds of the chair, external projects and individual stipends. If you acquire an individual stipend this is of course a big plus for your application. For corresponding programs please look at this page. An important reading for any doctoral candidate are the corresponding faculty pages:  from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science or from the Faculty of Engineering Sciences depending on where your dissertation will take place. For additional information, the Graduate Academy of Heidelberg University provides advice and services for doctoral candidates ranging from general information to travel and housing.

Doctoral Studies at Heidelberg University Information Brochure

Postdoc / Visiting Assistant Professor

We strongly believe that upon demonstrating scientific excellence in a doctorate, postdocs should be given the opportunity to develop their own ideas and research plans. Ideally, your strengths can combine with the expertise in our research group to enable new approaches and research directions.

ZITI has a regular call for postdoc fellows with a deadline typically end of July. The fellowship includes the position, yearly funds and general career support. and Heidelberg University has also dedicated Postdoc programs. In addition there are various national and international programs and stipends. Prospective postdocs may also want to consult the information of the Graduate Academy about Life in Heidelberg

Independent Research Group Leader / Assistant Professor w/o Tenure Track

For top-rank young researchers after a postdoc phase of 2 years or more there are multiple programs to establish their own independent research group within the context of our institute. From the EU research council there is the ERC Starting Grants program. Within Germany the DFG supports Emmy Noether groups and with a focus on female young researchers AvH grants the Sofja Kovalevskaja award. We strongly encourage and help with such applications and ZITI provides a preferred status and support for these groups. These programs require some planning, please contact us to discuss research perspectives and concrete opportunities.